
Governor: 0xd203e37d96cc0b9b7dc00fc3fdfcf1b1a2e8c547

Timelock: 0x9f9859757b95100e2ec3d5e344608dbe361daaf4

The DIMO's governance follows some standard implementations from OpenZeppelin: GovernorUpgradeable contract, the upgradeability mechanism UUPSUpgradeable, and OwnableUpgradeable. The DimoGovernor also employs the following extensions:

  • GovernorSettingsUpgradeable

    • Allows changing _votingDelay, _votingPeriod and _proposalThreshold through a proposal

  • GovernorCountingSimpleUpgradeable

    • Simplifies voting system to accept only Agains, For and Abstain votes

  • GovernorVotesUpgradeable

  • GovernorVotesQuorumFractionUpgradeable

    • Allows the quorum to be expressed as a fraction of the total supply. It is also possible change the quorum through a proposal

  • GovernorTimelockControlUpgradeable

    • Adds a delay in the execution of governance decisions. With that, proposals are carried out by the external Timelock contract.

The DimoGovernor contract works in conjunction with the TimeLock contract that introduces a delay between the proposal and its execution. If a proposal is successful, the users have the minDelay period to perform any relevant operation before the execution. Please note that the minDelay period can still be changed by an admin.



Voting Delay

1 block

Voting Period

50400 blocks

Execution Delay

21600 seconds

Quorum Numerator

4% of DIMO Supply

Proposal Threshold


Last updated