Staking $DIMO for a Manufacturer License

Before acquiring a valid DIMO Manufacturer License, manufacturers need to stake $DIMO tokens in order to receive a manufacturing license. Below is a guide on how to do this.

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Relevant Documents: DIMO CLI:

Wallet needed:

Crypto wallet that is able to connect to the Polygon network. Metamask is recommended:

Process Overview

A manufacturer that has been approved by the DIMO foundation to manufacture DIMO platform compatible devices (Application, MOU, and a signed Manufacturing License Agreement) needs acquire a DIMO Manufacturer License.

This ‘Root’ license enables a manufacturer to ‘mint’ new devices on chain to the DIMO network.

The Manufacturer license is an NFT, and requires staking $DIMO tokens to DIMO.


  1. a ‘Node’ must be created by the DIMO team. Please see the link below for a description of a node, and how a node fits into DIMO’s Identity Protocol.

Contact the DIMO team to create your node.

  1. Install the DIMO-CLI

  2. Install Metamask, and take note of your wallet address.. Switch your network to the Polygon Network, and ensure that you have some MATIC tokens in your wallet. 0.3 MATIC sould ensure that your wallet has enough for the gas fees required for the staking transaction.

  3. Copy your private key from your Metamask wallet. You can do this by pressing the ‘three-dot” menu, and selecting ‘Account details’ and ‘Export private key’. You will need this for step 6).

  4. Run the commands:

npm install 
npm run build 
sudo npm link
  1. Next, set up your environment with the following commands:

export PROVIDER=
export PRIVATE_KEY=<your_private_key>
  1. Check if you currently have a valid license, and if you have any staked $DIMO. The response from the CLI should be that you have an INVALID license and that you have staked 0 $DIMO.

dimo-cli is-valid-license --address <your_wallet_address> --network polygon
 dimo-cli staked-balance --address <your_wallet_address> --network polygon
  1. Stake 100,000 $DIMO tokens. To do this, write the following command. The multiple zeros are due to the decimal formatting of the CLI:

dimo-cli stake-dimo 100000000000000000000000 --network polygon
  1. Once staked, you can confirm your staked $DIMO:

dimo-cli staked-balance --address <your_wallet_address> --network polygon

And you should get the response:

"The account <your_wallet_address> has 100000000000000000000000 DIMO tokens staked"

  1. Once staked, your DIMO manufacturing license should be transferred to your wallet, and you can use the following command to ensure that it is valid:

dimo-cli is-valid-license --address <your_wallet_address> --network polygon

Thats it! Now you have the required ROOT manufacturing license to begin minting new devices.

Last updated